Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Going to the Gym…Getting my TV On

After purchasing our new condo, my boyfriend and I both agreed to not splurge on cable in and effort to cut our monthly costs. With the advent of Hulu and Netfix, we thought we would have no use for cable anyway. As a New Years resolution, I joined at gym last January. Not only am I loving the fact that I feel healthier and don’t feel like my lung is about to pop every time I step onto an elliptical, I have found a very important reason to stick to my gym regime. I get to watch cable!!!! Turns out I miss it very much and my glorious glorious gym provides quite a bit of channels for my disposable. It is truly a wondrous thing. I get to work out and do the running I desperately need to all the while indulging in my guilty pleasure reality shows I hate making my boyfriend watch. (In all fairness he watches most with me but draws the line at Dancing With the Stars...)

As someone who has immersed herself in television and media (no not in a Jim Carrey/Cable Guy creepy sort of way where I think Gilligan is my real life best friend) I have grown to appreciate the reality television show in all of its’ forms. Time after time, reality programming has sucked me in and I start caring about these people I don’t actually know and very rarely respect. But boy, do I find them entertaining. I think gyms should really up sell their costumers and talk about their cable and television capabilities….I understand people actually go to the gym to work out and not get distracted but; come on. Lets all be honest for point five seconds. How much easier does the time go by when you are distracted by lovely (in my case) reality programming while you run for 45 minutes? I can’t think of anything greater.

I am being healthy while still indulging my mind with a creative source of entertainment. Right now, my favorite thing to watch at the gym is Bethenny Ever After (she is also a source of inspiration for me seeing as though I have used toothpicks with more girth than her). I have to say, although she looks like a Dr. Seuss character, she really does have a great body and she takes care of herself. I also, as you can tell from previous posts, love love love to watch the Real Housewives franchises (particularly Jersey and New York…sorry DC, you were a waste of time…hence why Bravo gave you the boot).

I think the moral of this story is if you must go to the gym and many of us really should, why not make it as pleasant an experience as possible and for me that is surrounding myself with terribly entertaining television.

1 comment:

  1. I am a gym-enthusiast myself. Working out while watching your favorite shows takes your mind off the activity and keeps you from feeling tired. The good thing about this is you log in more minutes in your exercise regimen. In my case, I watch my favorite sports channel. It is way better than staying at home, watching TV all day, and pigging-out, not realizing you are gaining weight every single day.

    Mathias Michelakis
