Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Soundtrack to Life

Perhaps it’s because I’ve seen too many movies. Or it could be the fact Television helped me learn English as a kid. Either way, some may say I have a flair for the dramatic and romantic (I can’t lie…I definitely do). That being said, wouldn’t it add so much excitement and fun to life to have a soundtrack accompanying you on your daily chores. I truly think music is the perfect accessory to life. I know it would probably get old after about half a day but it would be so amusing to have musical accompaniment for your various day to day happenings. You could walk to the bank and instead of being bored you could dance along to Aloe Blacc's "I Need A Dollar." If music would be too distracting, perhaps you could have your favorite artist narrate your life as it unfolds. Wouldn’t that be something? If you are having a dramatic day, James Earl Jone’s powerful baritone voice could explain the play by play of your breakup or other dramatic event. I know I would find great comfort in Morgan Freeman’s voice narrating my life…so soothing.
I think the show How I Met Your Mother definitely had the right idea casting Bob Saget as the omnipresent narrator. Before I go on, yes, I still watch How I Met Your Mother. I know it has jumped the shark and definitely has lost its comedic steam but I’m invested so what can I say? Even though the show has gotten signifying less funny in season 6, one beacon of light that still hold the show together for me is Bob Saget. Perhaps I should chalk it up to nostalgia…I did love Full House.
Regardless, his dry comedic timing got me thinking about how much more enriched my life would be if he narrated my day to day. I have heard he's a bit of a perv in real life and nothing like the fatherly, type-A Danny Tanner I grew up loving so I'd let him have a coffee break when I was showering. No need to hear what he would say about that...
I think a soundtrack to one’s life would give entertainment and inspiration when one really needed it. Frequently, I'll be sitting on the train after a long day at work and it is the music on my ipod that gives me the energy and motivation to get my butt to the gym. Yes, Christina Aguilera…I am beautiful….or yes TLC, I don’t want no scrubs…whatever your motivation in life, embrace it and grab on to what makes you happy…for's Bob Saget...

1 comment:

  1. I have issues with the fact that HIMYM uses Bob Saget's voice. Honestly, is Ted that much younger? His voice isn't going to change in 15 years when he's talking to his kids. It's not like Bob talks in some crotchety old man voice. I don't get it. And now they have given Bob Saget a longtime employment opportunity that he should just not have.
