Monday, May 9, 2011

Jodie Foster's Beaver is Getting Great Review....

Anyone else find it ironic/humorous that Jodie Foster’s new movie is called “The Beaver?” Irony aside, the movie is getting wonderful reviews. Not only is Foster receiving accolades for her brilliant direction of a difficult story surrounding mental illness, the cast is getting rave reviews for their acting as well. Now to be fair, Mel Gibson is no stranger to drama. The man has more personalities than the cast of the Jersey Shore and he is equally as drunk and violent. With that said, how much of his powerful dramatic presence in the movie is acting or merely being himself??? After reading about the plot of the movie, I can definitely say that it does seem to have a lot of heart. Family struggles no matter how out there they may seem are a universal topic which many of us can relate to. Let’s just hope Gibson isn’t a method actor. If he toted that puppet about town, he would have probably ended up in the slammer again. Either that or finally the five-O would have taken him to the Loony Bin…puppet in tow. I wonder if his puppet is a racist drunk too??? Whelp, I guess I have to go see the movie now and check it out for myself.

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