Monday, March 28, 2011

Album Review: American [Fever] Dream

Aaron English

American [Fever] Dream


Aaron English’s album American [Fever] Dream hauntingly captures the torment and hope of a true artist. Aaron’s voice and musical arrangements continuously evade the limiting scope of one genre. Although constantly compared to predecessors such as Van Morrison and Peter Gabriel, Aaron’s depth and diversity make him a unique artist in his own right. When you think you have pegged his artistic niche, his next song showcases a drastically different sensibility. While the album has strong morose undertones, songs like Anthem and God Bless You and Your Man shine through as beacons of hope and happiness. The ballad Beautiful starts off the album showcasing the low register of his voice, while Doves counterbalances the previous song by illuminating his lyrical capabilities and vocal range. Aaron’s versatile vocal range keeps his audience entertained and in awe while listening to the vast soundscape he creates with his music. The album's musical style blends folk rock, Americana, rockabilly blues and pop proving to all that Aaron English is far from a one trick pony. Aaron confesses that the inspiration for this album came from heartache and tragedy; however, his perseverance and creativity stand out throughout the album giving the listener entertainment and inspiration.

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